Grand Final Teepee

On Saturday I attended my brother in law's AFL grand final BBQ. We had been discussing for the last month the possibility of building a teepee in his backyard for this festive occasion. After a lot of googling and some conversations with a fellow architect, we came to a loose plan to construct the teepee with 5.8m bamboo poles and canvas. In the week leading up to the BBQ my brother in law went ahead on his own and constructed the teepee, despite Melbourne presenting some of the windiest days we can remember.

The teepee was a majestic structure and definitely added a great deal of excitement for those who attended the BBQ.  The three canvas sheets were draped around the ten poles and tied down with ropes - there was some movement with the gusty Spring winds but it created a calming effect reminiscent of being on a sailing boat. The teepee was the perfect place where guests could escape 'the game' and chat with friends and family or have some quiet individual reflection time.

There was something very special about the circular space inside the teepee and of course the ten poles reaching up to the sky had some divine reference.

The 'Grand final teepee' - a sacred building for Melbourne's own religion 'Aussie Rules' and their biggest event on the calendar.



Royal Botanical Garden Cranbourne

