Wandiligong House _ work in progress

A new private courtyard was the main focus of the Wandiligong House project. The existing house in Wandiligong, a town that is entirely registered with the National Trust, is fortunate to directly back onto the scenic Wandi-Bright bicycle trail. However, this also left little privacy around the perimeter of the house. To provide a sanctuary away from the passing bicycle traffic, the clients suggested introducing a bedroom and studio to the west side of the house, thus creating a large private courtyard. The Architect designed a plan that had minimal disturbance to the exterior of the existing house but maximised the interior of the existing walk in robe. The new master bedroom has a cathedral ceiling which is bathed in light from the new private courtyard, and the studio provides an Artist’s haven with selected views of the bicycle trail and courtyard.

The bedroom and studio extension are a modern juxtaposition to the existing house, yet their scale is sympathetic and respectful. The extension, not visible from the front of the house, presents itself to the bicycle trail as a series of familiar shapes and uses materials to compliment the existing timber clad house.

Landscaping of the courtyard and final touches to the interior are still to be completed.

The new bedroom and studio as seen from the west.

Selected view of the bicycle trail from the new Artist's studio

The new timber pergola in the private courtyard creates depth and spectacle.


Wandiligong House - one year on


Canopy Architecture office officially in use.